Saturday, February 22, 2020

THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO BAN GMO’s in AUSTRALIA is to MANDATE Our Parliament via a “MY WILL” Letter. What Is a “MY WILL” Letter?

 The whole system of Parliament, and the SOLE reason for its existence, is to make laws for the people, with the clear implication that those laws will reflect the WILL of the people.

“MY WILL” letters are the most powerful way to DIRECTLY inform the representatives within Our Parliament of Our WILL. It is OUR RIGHT to CHANGE or REVERSE ANY LEGISLATION that we deem unfair, unjust, or not in line with OUR WILL AT ANY TIME!

 Electing a candidate to parliament does not express your WILL! "Parliament is only a machine to make laws in accordance with the written WILL of the people. If the Australian people are too lazy or Indifferent to ask for what they want, then politicians and political parties will impose their own ideologies" A.Chresby

 True democracy exists only through direct participation of the people, and not through the activity of their representatives.

 If our Parliament is formed by a one party majority as a result of it "winning" an election it then becomes a Parliament that exercises the WILL of the PARTY and the WILL of its LOBBYISTS; not of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE.

 This is a clear representation of Fraud as it places the WILL of multibillion-dollar Corporations like MONSANTO above the WILL of the people; as a result it cannot be democratic.

 For this to change, the people must fulfill their Constitutional DUTY to regularly inform their Members of Parliament of their WILL on any and all maters significant to them.

 Resume your responsibility for Your Parliament and withdraw your consent from a Parliament that plunders and usurps the authority of the people and squanders the well-being and wealth of our Great Nation.

 The first step is to learn the importance and legal foundation of the "MY WILL" letter, and share Arthur Chresby's "Your Will Be Done" so we can all be informed of this important TRUTH and have Our Parliament operate in accordance with the consensus and WILL of it ELECTORS.

 The truth is it takes very few MY WILL letters to create change as each Individually written MY WILL letter equates to 4 electors dissent. With a total voting age population of 14 million people in Australia we can irrefutibly mandate OUR PARLIAMENT of OUR WILL to BAN GMO’S with as little as 2 million "MY WILL" letters.

 The WILL of the people is simply expressed in an INDIVIDUAL letter to your Federal Member and/or to each one of your 6 State Senators and/or The Governor General such as this:

 Dear Sir,

 I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

 It is MY WILL that..........

 Yours Faithfully,
 (insert your full name, address and date)


 Find your Federal Member HERE:

 Find yor 6 State Senators HERE:

 Please then update or add a topic to the following facebook page so we can track the numbers, so they cannot hide from our WILL:

 Download and share Arthur Chresby's "Your Will Be Done" here:

 Over the years the party system of Our Government has cleverly hid the fact that the people have the legal freedom to express their WILL at all times and that the parliament must then implement the expressed WILL of the people.


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