Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ban Transgender Ideology

Then send "MY WILL BE DONE" letters to all senators, so all your voices will be STRONG opposing this evil communist globalist transgender agenda!


Dear Senators,
I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.
It is MY WILL that you take immediate action to STOP THIS TRANNY IDEOLOGY. This is MY WILL.

Yours Faithfully,

Learn what “My Will Be Done” means. Why? And the perfect SOLUTION to impose YOUR WILL upon the Politicians to stop this communist-globalist tranny ideology nonsense.

I use this MY WILL BE DONE letters try to lower the Prospective Marriage Visa fee, but they won’t change it, they upped it. So I got to save up longer in order to marry my fiancee. Meanwhile, these scumbags are backing the sodomites agendas.

See how Hetero marriage is ignored or even being made to look bad, while they promotes the wonderful benefits of sodomy. Sick, no? So this is why I’m taking the time to write this and give what solution I found for this problem.

Remember, the agenda of evil is they will NEVER rest, never stops, because what they loves goes against God, against good happy families, and espeically happy marriages.

This is the TRUTH. And They HATES TRUTH. They do everything they can to destroy TRUTH, twists TRUTH, and make it seems like lies. That’s their entire agenda. That’s how evil they are. Their god is the god of this world, Satan.

So this is why all these thousands of years these people never stops their evil. In their eyes, evil is good, and good is evil. How crazy they are. End of story.
Get the My Will Be Done ebooks, epub, kindle, pdf available, FREE!

Learn what “Implied Consent” means. Why? And the perfect SOLUTION!
Get the “Police, Robbers and Vandals All Have the Same Thing in Common” ebook, epub, kindle, pdf available, FREE!

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