Saturday, February 22, 2020

Police, Robbers and Vandals All Have the Same Thing in Common v2

Police, Robbers and Vandals All Have the Same Thing in Common


Jul on Shumm

Implied Consent! This is the background, our story and how to simply end 'implied consent'. 

Warning: This information isn't embellished or prettied up, what you read here is what happened, including the 'testing'.


#impliedconsent #noimpliedconsent #permission #impliedpermission #notrespassing #noinvasinoofanyprivacy #privateproperty #police #robbers #vandals #criminals #politicians #theysucks

FOLLOW UP: REDUCED Prospective Marriage Visa fee

Dear Sir,

I repeat that, in accordance with my lawful obligation to keep you informed of MY WILL, I again inform you that it is MY WILL that you take immediate action to have the Prospective Marriage Visa FEE REDUCED to 90% percent as soon as possible..

Yours faithfully,

FOLLOW UP: Ban Islam, Deport Islamists

Dear Sir,

I repeat that, in accordance with my lawful obligation to keep you informed of MY WILL, I again inform you that it is MY WILL that you take immediate action to have the death cultists islamofascists cult known as “moslems”, “muslims,” “mohammedans”, et al, and their political ideology totalitarian islamofascism known as islam, sharia, koran, quran, removed completely out of Australia and Philippines forthwith. This is MY WILL.

Yours faithfully,

REDUCED Prospective Marriage Visa fee

I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

It is MY WILL that you take immediate action to REDUCE the Prospective Marriage Visa FEE, $7,715 to a reasonable fee, such as $274 AUD, NOW. This is MY WILL.

Yours Faithfully,

Ban biotech GMO/GE

I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

It is MY WILL that you take immediate action to have all biotech’s GMO/GE organisms destroyed as soon as possible; all GMO/GE products banned from sale in our country; all GMO/GE biotech companies forbidden from operating here in our country; all biotechs companies banned from experimenting with life itself; all bioatech comapanies banned from owning any patents on GMO/GE organisms! And absolutely no patents on life itself in any forms! All patents are restricted to mechanical lifeless non-living matter only. This is MY WILL.

Yours Faithfully,

Remove Feminsim

I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

It is MY WILL that you take immediate action to have feminism removed completely. Feminism have already been discredited, we don’t need them anymore. Time to stop the feminism experiment and remove them now. This is MY WILL.Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,

Investigate hack dentists

I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

It is MY WILL that you take immediate action to have dentistry investigated for their hack work, as they do nothing about promoting real dentistry, rather, they do it the easy way, to make money, and not care for real alternative methods that helps dental health improvements.

Real dentists are Dr George Heard, Dr Weston Price, and Dr Melvin E. Page, as well as Ramiel Nagel of Cure Tooth Decay book, whose success with healing cavities was documented in that book. Why are not our dentists not learning real dentistry from these wise men? I demand they learn from these wise men, otherwise I refuse to go to any of our hack dentists in this country.

(Just so you know, I’ve suffered through three or four toothaches and survived. It is excruciating. If you have never suffered one, I hopes you will never experience one. It is hell. With all our technology, the hacks are still using outdated dentistry concepts. How insane is that?) This is MY WILL. Thank you.
Yours Faithfully,